Thursday, 8 October 2009

Mise en scence

Mise en scene is a french term for the analysis of what you see on screen, but it does not include sound !

There are five terms of mise en scene:

  1. Lighting - Spotlight on the main character, creates an atmosphere and show who is the main person on stage.

  2. Setting - The location of the event

  3. Actions - Facial expressions are used and also body language and posture

  4. Costumes / Props - Symbol of something of what it represents of the scene e.g school uniform, desks .... etc

  5. Camera angles Where it pointed and tell a certain way of the character low = a big character.

We used mise en scene for a our project "The royal tenenbaums" by Wes Anderson from this we had to look at 3 characters in the starting scene and from the 3 we had a choose a character that would suite us best. I chosen Margo as her mise en scene was very interesting and easy to explain from.

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