Monday, 10 May 2010

Gate keeping revision

research ideology and also Laura mulvey with this as she is LINKED to ther MALE GAZE as wel find HOW they LINK etc. Hetrosexual male key aspect in any programme with this media device in.

Ideology: Ideology is a form of setting different measures in different region and groups, it revoles mostly around and set ideas towards the goals, expectations, and also action withing a programme of film or any form or repilca etc.
Idelogoy is mostly thought through comperhensive vision;

COMPERHENSIVE VISION - bascially a mind map of what the audiencde wants to see and expect frrom the media that they are watching. In other ways to put it the way of looking at things and different reaction towards the programme e.g. one person my find skins offensive while the other finds it a really good drama (- age groups - male female aspects).

The key thing for ideology is to offer a change in society a really good example to watch for this is shameless - the change of society is the family and dilemmas that are all in it e.g. some of the cast have left as they didn't want to stay in the manchester council estate soicety and this effects the whole sotry and changes the atmosphere and the way the cast reacts in different ways.
It things which exsist but what could make them better to change the whole storyline and is it better or worse and does it work for the audience to take on board and make their dramas programme films documentry better - mostly it linked to todays society.

But when looking at idelogoy you need to look at it in this way;
"Ideologies are systems of abstract thought" this means a ideation - the process of creating new ideas. This is mostly linked to society and todays aspect which the programme media looks at and how today society will affect e.g. the fashion changes in society so what new idea in a programme can show of fashion and do they need contract signing and others various things etc also its produced in music as well e.g. mosh by eminem and the video of hoddies is his message for his emotion and join it because of what he trying to say.

Laura mulvey:

Laura mulvey is best known for "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" --> Femisinist film theory is theortical film crtiisim which is explores into frameworks in cinematic and explains link in reality and also relationship to reality, the other arts, individual viewers, and society at large.

This term is not to be confused with general film criticism, which may, however, draw upon ideas from film theory.

Also she mostly aims at femisit poilictics as its a high resource to go to and get her points across and stabs right into the heart of cinema.

But ideology links in with her through the male gaze and this is her point across in her emotions;

In considering the way that films are put together, many feminist film critics have pointed to the "male gaze" that predominates in classical Hollywood filmmaking.

Also she aimed at psychoanalytic framework ---> The concepts of psychoanalysis have been applied to films in various ways. Psychoanalysis ---->

  • A method of investigation of the mind and the way one thinks;
    A systematized set of theories about human behavior;
    A method of treatment of psychological or emotional illness.

Classical hollywood filming: used in film history which designates both a visual and sound style for making motion pictures and a mode of production used in the american film industry, so she aimed at the obvious and from this she adapted into the male gaze more as she had power and knowledge over this place and could get her opionion across. And from this ----> sound style, motion pictures, and mode production is linked to the male gaze e.g. a erotic sound and good quailty image of the girl curves etc.

She wanted viewers be to encouraged to identify with the protagonist of the film, who tended to be a man ----> male gaze.

Meanwhile, Hollywood female characters of the 1950s and 60s were, according to Mulvey, coded with "to-be-looked-at-ness." Mulvey suggests that there were two distinct modes of the male gaze of this era: "voyeuristic" (i.e. seeing women as 'whores') and "fetishistic" (i.e. seeing women as 'madonnas').

Mulvey argued that the only way to annihilate the "patriarchal" Hollywood system was to radically challenge and re-shape the filmic strategies of classical Hollywood with alternative feminist methods.

Some feminists criticized "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema," claiming that, while Mulvey believed that classical Hollywood cinema reflected and shaped the "patriarchal order," the perspective of her writing actually remained within that very heterosexual order.

The article was thus said to have contradicted its "radical" claims, by actually being a covert perpetuation of heterosexual patriarchal order. This was because, in her article, Mulvey presupposes the spectator to be a heterosexual man.

She was thus felt to be denying the existence of lesbian women, gay men, heterosexual women, and those outside of these identities.

The bvit that are highlighted and itialic is what i need to know for my exam so i can link this phrases to luara mulvey.

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