In this lesson we had to watch the film commando with Arnold Schwarzenegger. The impressions i first had when i saw the title is that he actor needs a strong build (body builder), guns, blood, intimidating to look at, tough, in charge, rugged, and intelligent. Which Arnold was perfect to play this part but i thought he was just abit over the top.
Phallic symbols: Object which represent a penis (quote from Freud) which relates to this film.
In this film he has a daughter so this changes the film settings dramatically and he has to care for her which makes the film different and more interesting to watch.
Now i look for: Loaned farther, over protective, caring, maybe a role model to her/ advice giver, and life problem as maybe busy still with his career.
As the first scene when Arnold enters i saw such a dramatic entrance, we see his boots, green and tough and big like him, and then the camera switches straight to his veins on his arms which is abit over the top but shows the character what he's going to be like in this film and what things he may have done. And also the music gives the characters away aswel with a sudden gong and then the music fades in so its like everything stops and stares at this character. Also there a phallic symbol, thew chainsaw that he is holding is shaped in the of the phallic symbol yet again we see more power in this character and is bigging himself up.
There's a non facial expression at all he keeps it straight and vain, no one nos what he feels and what he's going to do. Also when he carry the tree (another prob to show his strenght) the camera angle is low which makes him look tall and also he wears a tight vest and shorts maybe because he's hot as the suns out or another device to show off his character.
When we see him chopping the wood for warmth the camera flicks onto a shadow and the music goes into a assassin type sound and quiet and then it flicks back onto Arnold but using his intelligence he looks into the axe and finds the reflection of the person behind so we no he's been taught and no's how to overcome this problem. But then we find out its his daughter and the music goes all bubbly and great which i think is a bit over the top.
Then we skip to him and his daughter having a ice cream this may show that the farther can afford to take her out and is rich and spoils her, and again is shows bonding and love. And he dressed like a normal person so he spontaneous to his job and likes to keep it a secret.
Then in the next scene he's teaching his daughter how to fight, for a film like this and how high classed Arnold character is she might be venerable to her-self/ a target and also its a form of following dads footsteps. And then from fighting it goes straight onto a binary opposite which Arnold and his daughter is feeding a deer so it shows a feminine side to Arnold but still i think its over the top. And also the camera zooms in to show more affection.
Then we go onto him giving her a piggy back this shows that's he more dominant and cares for her as he's walking over a log, maybe he doesn't want her to fall, over protective.
The camera now switches to them fishing but this time Arnold brings in the fish so this might be over protectiveness or the girl could not like the fish so he holds it for her. Then it shows them in the pool, rich job well payed. The sunset shows he's been with her all day so he has quite alot of spare time for her. And then we see the girl being threw by Arnold this shows that yet again he's more strong and dominant and can be playful.
Then the music dies down and we see the daughter making the food a prob device to show that shes been taught with simple life aspects and also a prob card on the fridge saying "I love you dad" shows that shes a daddy girl and there bond is very strong. The only thing which is off putting is that they kiss on the lips now this film was 1980's so the films interpretation may be different to today's aspects and views so we no its a pretty old film. And also we see the fire burning in the background this shows a domestic scene of perfectness.
Then when they talk something happens we no this straight away because of Arnold facial expression that he represents. We find out its his commander and pulls his gun from his pocket without notice, this character is smooth and silk and has been taught by the top ranks.
The daughter doesn't like this as her dad has a mission to do and will have to leave her for a period of time, shes like a lost sheep without him.
Then the scene is very quiet which indicates something is going to happen and a villain from the bush pulls out a gun and starts shooting everyone Arnold being the main character doesn't get shot and tells his daugther to hide.
Now the daughter hides under a bed, a typical place to hide so shes bound to get caught. And then Arnold runs to his shed and gets his guns and kills all the villains untill he enters the room with a villain is sitting down in. The villain tells him that he has to cooperate with him to get his daughter back, but then Arnold says "wrong" and shoots the villain in the head, this shows he's a accurate shot and also he notr affraid to kill, and he knows what sitituations are and are they telling the truth or not ands also hes very blunt and gets straight down to the point.
This imformation gives me a visual aspect of character and how to encounter there emotions and actions towards the storyline or other characters within the flim. I now have a more confident backgorund of in depth of characters and now find it easier to read of them.
Excellent work Dan. Your blog is one of the best and most thorough in the class.
ReplyDeleteYou are beginning to develop a clear 'voice' and sense of opinion in your work which should benefit you when it comes to the examination.
A target for you is to include more 'technology' in your work. Remember to subscribe to slideshare, scribd etc and begin embedding essays, presentations etc to your blog.
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